What Should I Spend?

Decades ago, I heard someone say that most American adults could go three years without buying any new clothes.  Certainly, it’s been true for me. Right now, I have a closet full of shirts, dresses, pants and sweaters.

John the Baptist’s words come to mind.

Luke 3:11 (NLT)
“If you have two shirts, give one to the poor. If you have food, share it with those who are hungry.”

I have more than enough, but still I buy more. I have money to spend on things I want but don’t need. Clearly, I can afford to be generous.


Good morning, Lord. Give me eyes to see when someone else needs what I have to share, be it clothes, food, help or encouragement. Teach me to hold my resources with open hands, to be willing to let go of what I’ve earned or been given when someone else needs it more than I do.

All that I have comes from You, O God. I want to be a wise steward of Your gifts, so be it, amen.

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