Personal Prosperity

What is it to prosper personally, to be prosperous? Let’s take King David, for example.

1 Saurel 18:14 (AMP)
David acted wisely and prospered in all his ways, and the Lord was with him.

— in Hebrew, sakal, meaning to have insight and intelligence, to act wisely, to be prudent, to understand, to have success.

To prosper, as this verse says David did, involves behavior, not riches. It’s not what we own, it is how we think and act.

I want to prosper like David.


Good morning, Lord. As the song says, “we’ve come this far by faith” — it’s not my own doing, but Your plan and Your power. Forgive me for taking credit for work You have done through me. My deeds prosper only because You have granted me the inspiration, skills, wisdom and opportunity. Thank You.

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