Sheltering Orphans

Sunday, November 8, is Orphan Sunday.

UNICEF defines an orphan as a child under age 18 who has lost one or both parents to death. Globally, there are 140 million such children (2015 data). Most live with a family member. Others live in orphanages, on the streets or in foster homes.

What’s a Christian to do?

Lifeline encourages the Church to step up.

“The Church is ‘Plan A’ for glorifying God, making disciples, and spreading His name to the nations . . . God has consistently commanded His people to care for the vulnerable as a way of demonstrating His character and His gospel to the world. We believe that every Christ-follower has a role to care for orphans, widows, and the defenseless as an avenue to proclaim the gospel.

Help can come in the form of adoption, foster care, child sponsorship, outreach to street children, Christian orphanages and prayer.

Lord, You see and love every child. Protect these vulnerable youths, meet their physical and emotional needs, wrap them in Your love. Show us when and how to demonstrate Your love to these children.

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