Per recent reports, as the American economy improves, folks charge more on their credit cards. See this recent article in Forbes:
“Historically, in the United States and around the world, household debt has been at its highest when the unemployment rate has been at its lowest . . . when the economy is growing, the higher levels of lending and borrowing make both banks and families feel wealthier than they truly are . . . When we swipe our credit cards, it doesn’t always feel like we’re borrowing money.”
What does the Bible say?
1 Timothy 6:6, 9 (NIV)
But godliness, with contentment is great gain . . . Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap.
Lord God, thank you for this heads-up about the temptations tied to prosperity. Protect us from foolish traps, shelter us with godly contentment, in Jesus’ name.