Everyday Character


“The virtue of a man ought to be measured,
not by his extra-ordinary exertions,
but by his everyday conduct.”
Blaise PascalĀ (1623-1662)


The character of a man [or woman] is evident in the little things.

Luke 16:10 (ESV)
One who is faithful in a very little
is also faithful in much.

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3 Responses to Everyday Character

  1. If God wanted to improve me
    cancer was the wrong solution,
    for its sole result is truly
    character’s dissolution.
    I’m not the gentleman I was,
    I’m far, too far past that
    and the persona that life chose
    is as a cornered rat.
    And so I hope there is a place
    for rodents red in truth and claw
    whose mere existence, maybe grace?
    And maybe hewing to the Law
    that when each hard-fought day is done
    something worthwhile has been won.

    Sorry to have been away again. Bad days and weeks.

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