I’m one of those folks who select one word for the new year. I find it more motivating than a multitude of New Year’s resolutions. My 2019 word was fit as in “fit for service in the kingdom of God.” I lost weight and exercised more–but fit was more about soul than body.
For 2020, discipline dances in my head. What do you think?
- Sounds punishing!
- Noun or verb?
- Who’s giving, who’s getting?
There are spiritual disciplines (such as silence, Sabbath-keeping, study, fasting, service). Yep, I could use more disciplines in my life.
There’s self-discipline (self-control). Check. More would be better.
Interesting choice. Interesting reflection. Have you chosen a word for 2020?
“Discipline” is at the head of the pack. But God could change my mind in the next day or two. New Year blessings to you, Norma, and thank you for reading.
The only way that I can go
from day to day to day to day
is in the knowing that this is so:
discipline is that which pays my way.
Cancer’s fearsome, and quite cruel
and despair waits ’round every bend
for the vain Pollyannish fool
who thinks that good days never end.
But lo!, we have to come to face
the fact that demons stalk the earth
and ony through disciplined grace
can we prove that which we’re worth.
And, thus, forward, sans distraction
in every thought, and every action.
“Disciplined grace.” Exactly what my heart desires! Thank you for putting it into words, Andrew.