Can you sort the lies from the truth?
Lies: What you buy will bring happiness.
You have the power to put together the perfect Christmas.
John 8:44 (ERV)
Yes, the devil is a liar.
He is the father of lies.
Truth: Money can’t buy happiness.
God put together the perfect Christmas.
Ephesians 4:21
Yes, the truth is in Jesus.
George Washington, he would not lie
about the cut-down cherry tree;
he figured daddy wouldn’t buy,
“What axe? It wasn’t ME!”
Or maybe he felt real remorse
and wanted to make good
about his misguided course,
enjoyin’ choppin’ wood.
Or maybe it’s a real nice myth,
divergent from the facts,
for there are three museums with
the original George’s Axe.
We really don’t know what he did,
but he’s still a model for every kid.
Did you hear about the kid scolded by his father for pushing over the outhouse on Halloween? The boy said, “I told the truth, like George Washington, so I shouldn’t be punished.” His dad answered, “I’ll bet George’s father wasn’t in the cherry tree when he chopped it down!”