Hurry Up and Wait

Today is the first day of Advent. Hurry! Let the crazy chaos begin.

And wait. Wait for the Lord. Wait for the coming of the Christ Child. Wait for Christ’s return.

Revelation 22:20 (NIV)
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

Add “wait on the Lord” to your Christmas to-do list.


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3 Responses to Hurry Up and Wait

  1. I am but a dead man,
    some days a saint, or knave,
    subject to a master plan,
    subject to the grave.
    I waited so long for the light,
    I waited long for flicker’d hope,
    I waited through the endless night
    before the hangman’s rope.
    I waited as a man condemned
    I waited with the hallows,
    I waited for my only Friend
    in the shadow of the gallows.
    I waited long as time remained,
    but time ran out…and then He came.

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