Dream Talk


For years now, I’ve paid attention to my dreams. Some symbols show up over and over, each time with a similar nudge from the Spirit.


I can’t find my shoes or clothes.
Your role is changing.

I’m driving a car and it doesn’t go well.
You’re taking charge when you shouldn’t.

I’m in a house. I find a room I didn’t expect.
A new opportunity for ministry is coming.

Someone leaves a baby with me and doesn’t come back.
Don’t take on someone else’s job.

Dream on, friends, and listen up.


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7 Responses to Dream Talk

  1. I never really tried to know
    what my dreams were telling me;
    where on earth does one go
    with a skating chimpanzee?
    Egypt’s Joseph I am not;
    God has no special purpose planned
    beyond that which I’ve already got:
    lots of dogs, not enough hands.
    So pass on, images from sleep,
    I’ll laugh at those which I recall,
    like chasing down some goats and sheep
    while getting drunk with Lucille Ball.
    If I miss something important, well
    I guess I’ll get to hear God yell.

  2. Kathy says:

    Good morning….
    It may just be me..but can you explain the 1st 2 lines….they are confusing to me…thanks…..

    Have a blessed day guys….


    • Shirlee Abbott says:

      I’m not sure I understand your question, Kathy, but I’ll try to explain. The images in our dreams are sort of a language of symbols; that is, there’s meaning attached to the images. My dreams (not all of them, but many of them) reflect a personal language of symbols. Some images are unique to a specific dream, but others are often repeated. I’ve learned to sense the Holy Spirit’s whisper in my dreams, a bit of wisdom for the circumstances I face. It’s one more way God guides me.

      Does that help?

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