Quick Political Prayer

James 1:19 (NIV)
Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.


Lord, when it comes to politicians, make me quick to pray, slow to criticize and slow to get all worked up.

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3 Responses to Quick Political Prayer

  1. I’m really slow to anger,
    and slower still to speak.
    But I am a ready danger
    to apply a fist to beak.
    They say naught is mended
    by quick-violent retort,
    but mending’s not intended
    when fighting’s really sport.
    Discourse tries my patience,
    and I’m SO easily bored.
    I guess my pugilistic nascence
    was what God aimed me toward.
    Come, disagree, and gather round,
    and I’ll lay you firmly on the ground.

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