Hope Rising


Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for
and assurance about what we do not see.


May your hopes rise and your doubts decline.

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2 Responses to Hope Rising

  1. ‘Tokko’

    Oh, Father, they are coming,
    they’ve broken every line,
    and in their closer drumming
    I do believe it’s time.
    Oh, Father, don’t despise me;
    I know that I have sinned.
    It is now my fell destiny
    to become Divine Wind.
    Let my body be the weapon
    and my heart its fissile core,
    and in my death, please reckon
    that I never left this war.
    I will rise above the blasted plain
    in hope that with you, I remain.

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