Know the Plan


Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,”
declares the LORD.


Unsure of the plan? Not to worry, God knows.


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2 Responses to Know the Plan

  1. Yes, there always is a plan,
    but of this, let me remind:
    sometimes there must be Last Man,
    and sometimes, he stays behind.
    We want to think that the path
    of life is under sunny skies,
    but the fact remains, do the math,
    that everybody dies.
    Don’t take this just from me;
    of the Apostles, all but one
    met up with earthly tragedy
    with the Glory barely begun.
    But we will find that God betimes
    draws so straight with crooked lines.

    • Shirlee Abbott says:

      You are poetically right, Andrew. God’s got a plan, and it isn’t always sun and gentle breezes. God’s plan includes some stormy seas.

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