Overflowing Abundance


Forgive us, Lord, for putting our trust in our bank accounts, our real estate or our job skills. Fill us to overflowing with spiritual abundance, with the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19).

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2 Responses to Overflowing Abundance

  1. I did not know my blessings’ count
    until I felt me cursed,
    and as adversities did mount
    I assumed the worst.
    I thought I’d been forsaken,
    that God had thrown me out,
    a cup empty-shaken,
    its contents own the spout.
    But then I saw a flower
    peering through a driveway’s crack,
    and was suddenly in a shower
    of grace I thought I’d lacked.
    A bit of beauty born of love,
    my rainbow from God above.

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