Safe Shelter in Alaska



Part of Alaska was rocked by a recent earthquake. It’s hard to feel safe when the ground is shaking.


Lord, we thank for the safe shelter of buildings which shook but did not fall. We are grateful that the earthquake wasn’t deadly. But we know how people’s nerves are on edge—be their secure Rock, their safe Shelter, even when the ground shakes and their hearts tremble. Amen.

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2 Responses to Safe Shelter in Alaska

  1. I used to work in research on the seismic design of concrete bridges. The 1964 Alaska earthquake left a LOT of lessons. (As did Sylmar ’71, Loma Prieta ’89, Northridge ’94, obe ’95, and so on…)

    So will this one.

    There are answers, when e learn to understand the questions.

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