Christ-Centered Shelter


America has an opioid crisis. People around us are dying of overdoses.

“God is calling the Church to minister to those souls who are caught in the grip of this deadly disease.”

A Christ-centered culture of recovery makes a difference:

From The Christian Citizen, Volume 1, 2018, “Creating a Christ-Centered Culture of Recovery” by Rev. Dr. Morris Stimage, executive officer of New Life Center for Recovery in Indian Orchard, MA:

“Grace is fundamental . . . we sinners are saved and set free from drug abuse by God’s grace . . .

Hope creates a sense of optimism . . . God can and will deliver people from the ills of addition.

Prayer is essential . . . Without prayer, the ministry cannot guide people along the pathway of sobriety and freedom in Jesus Christ . . .

Christ-centered love is a powerful antidote . . .

Healing happens because God is able to heal.”

 Yes, Lord! Grace, hope, love and healing—in Jesus name, we pray.

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