Shelter from Witchcraft


Here in America, we tend to take witchcraft lightly, as in TV sitcoms and fun fiction. Not so everywhere–Liberia, for example:


“‘Witchcraft can mix plant leaves and dust from the earth to destroy life,’ said James Cuffee, director of the Liberia-based Christ Evangelical Fellowship Ministries . . . Worshiping mountains, rocks, rivers and forests, witches sacrifice animals and take food to the evil spirits and gods and their corresponding idols, he said.”

Half the people in Liberia live below the poverty level. They feel powerless, and witchcraft offers a sense of control. CEFM brings the light of Christ into witchcraft-controlled darkness. Their missionaries hold evangelistic events, plant churches, feed the poor, provide medical assistance and care for orphans.

Almighty God, provide the resources CEFM needs to do good and battle witchcraft in the Liberian countryside. We know that you are more powerful than the strongest witchcraft. May the Liberians see that with their own eyes. Amen.

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