Civil? (Monday)



Lots of words coming out of Washington right now—what do you think?



  • Grandstanding, no substance from anyone.
  • I agree with one side, but the presentation bothers me.
  • Can’t we just be civil about it?


Civil—according to the dictionary there are at least two meanings to the word:

1)    Relating to citizens (not military, not religion)
2)    Courteous and polite

The rhetoric falls short of civil on both counts.

Proverbs 2:3 (CEV)
Beg as loud as you can
for good common sense.

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2 Responses to Civil? (Monday)

  1. Desiree says:

    Reminds me of a parent saying to their child:
    “It’s not what your saying, it’s the tone and the attitude you are saying it with.”
    Also, I tell my boys:
    “You’re smarter, are more creative, diplomatic and of better character than to say it like that!”

  2. Shirlee Abbott says:

    Or as my mother said, “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”

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