Closed Mouth, Open Ears


Isaiah 53:7
He was oppressed and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth.


Everybody else has something to say, but Jesus is silent. 

Maybe Jesus is intently listening to the lies spoken about him. Or maybe he hears his Father’s still small voice whispering over the roar of the crowd.

James 1:19
Be quick to listen, slow to speak
and slow to become angry,

That’s our Jesus — quick to listen, slow to speak. And when he does speak, it’s not anger. It’s forgiveness.

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2 Responses to Closed Mouth, Open Ears

  1. This is very interesting for me, because as illness progresses, I find that I have less and less to say, especially in terms of complaints or contentiousness.

    There’s no time for that…and no need.

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