


When I was deep-cleaning the Christmas tree corner, I unearthed a forgotten journal. Its soft leather cover is engraved with “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord.


“I was using that for something special,” I thought. “Now what was it?”

Page 1, dated 1/12/16: “This is my journal for my 2016 ‘one-word’ — FINISH IT,” The last entry, just a few pages later, is dated 2/21/16.

10 months later, here I am, Lord–the journal forgotten. Unfinished.  I too am unfinished. But not forgotten. And for that, I remember to be thankful.amen

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3 Responses to Unfinished

  1. Interesting. I have a partially-built aeroplane (currently residing, disassembled, in the master bedroom). It was sold years ago, but the buyer never picked it up. So I suppose it’s mine again.

    I had tried to forget about it; hadn’t wanted to sell the project, but circumstances forced my hand.

    And now, sold and abandoned and forgotten, it’s coming to life again.

    There is a lesson there, somewhere.

  2. Shirlee Abbott says:

    Wouldn’t it be more practical to build and airplane WITH a bedroom than IN a bedroom?

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