Celebrated Presidents




It’s Presidents Day. Woo hoo! Or is it boohoo?


  • Honor past Presidents? You bet!
  • How does that tie in with auto and appliance sales?
  • So we honor long-suffering public servants by granting ourselves a vacation day [sigh]

Pictures of Presidents Washington and Lincoln graced the classroom of my childhood. On their respective birthdays, we reviewed their contributions to our history.

Will future generations gaze daily on the portrait of one of the present presidential candidates? I seriously doubt that any of their birthdays will become a national holiday.

Work your character into each of our candidates, Lord. Make them worthy of celebration.bless their souls.jpg



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2 Responses to Celebrated Presidents

  1. You never know. Extraordinary presidencies arise from extraordinary circumstances, and President Trump…or President Sanders…may end up saving the country, or the world.

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