High Flying Prayers



We are giving the children opportunities to pray individually and corporately. Some have been bold enough to pray out loud with the whole group.


One of the boys prayed that our Operation Christmas Child boxes would safely get to the right children. “Dear God, don’t let any boxes fall out of the airplane.

Journey mercies, shoeboxes!OCC box

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4 Responses to High Flying Prayers

  1. What a sweet prayer. I hope the young boy continues to believe and trust the Lord cares about all the details in our lives. Sometimes we forget to keep our childlike faith.
    Blessings ~ Wendy

    • Shirlee Abbott says:

      At the end of the evening, we sent the children to separate spaces in the sanctuary to do their own private praying. My own private prayer: “Dear God, let them pray.” It was three minutes of total silence.

  2. This kind of reminded me of a time when I had to take some aerial photos with the door of the aeroplane removed…I was both pilot and photog.

    “Please God, don’t let ME fall out of the aeroplane!”

    Nope. I didn’t. But the camera did. But no worries…it wasn’t mine!

    • Shirlee Abbott says:

      And someone on the ground found a cracked camera and thought, “How did this get here?”
      Better the camera than you, Andrew.

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